Thursday 25 July 2013

Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)

Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) was born in 573 A.D at Makkah in a very nobel and respectable family of Bani Tamim, a branch of Quraish. His real name was Abdullah and Abu Baqr was his patronymic name. Islam gave him the title of ‘As-Siddiq’ which meant ‘the truthful’. He was known for his honesty, truth and sincerity. Among the many esteemed qualities that he possessed, he was also the best friend of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). His profession was trade. Because of his noble character, he had many profit in trade. Being the best friend of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH); Hazrat Abu Bakr readily accepted Islam without hesitation. After accepting Islam he started preaching it secretly. Eight prominent figures accepted Islam at the hands of Hazrat Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (R.A.). He went to ‘Uthman, Talha, Zubair and Said (Ridwanullah 'alaihim 'Ajma'in). They accepted Islam on his preaching. Next day he went to 'Uthman bin Maz'un, Abu'Ubaidah, Abdur Rahman bin 'Auf and some other prominent Quraish, who also accepted Islam at his hands.
Many hardships fell on him when the Makkans came to know of his preaching’s about Islam. Even his noble character did not facilitate him in this matter. But the faithful servant of Allah kept on spreading Allah’s word despite the hardships and difficulties. He spent enormous money to set free Muslim slaves who were under non-Muslim masters. Hazrat Bilal (RA), a Negro, was among those whom the Abu Bakr had set free. When Holy Prophet (PBUH) decided to migrate to Madina, Abu Bakr (RA) was the only companion whom he trusted enough to migrate with. The Holy Qur'an describes it as follows: "When the disbelievers drove him out; he had no more than one companion. They were two in the cave. And he said to his companion: "Have no fear for Allah is with us". Then Allah sent down His peace upon him". (9:40)

Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) fought along with Prophet in almost all the important battles. He was brave man. On the occasion of Tabuk expedition Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) brought everything that he possessed. When the Holy Prophet asked him, "What did you leave for your family?" Abu Bakr (R.A.) said, "I have left for them Allah and his Prophet". Even Hazrat Umar (R.A.) admitted that he could never hope to surpass Abu Bakr (R.A.) in his sacrifice for the cause of Allah and Islam. After the death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), he became the first khalifa. During his khalifate he had to face many hardships. It was a very sensitive time. Many people refused to pay zakat and the Eastern Roman and Persian were threatening the new born Islamic state. Under these circumstances Hazrat Abu Baqr did not lose hope and fought the situations with valor and courage. Abu Bakr died on 21 Jamadi-al Akhir, 13 A.H. (23 August 634 A.C.), at the age of sixty-three, and was buried by the side of the Holy Prophet. His caliphate had been of mere twenty-seven months duration. In this brief span, however, Abu Bakr had managed to strengthen and consolidate his community and the state, and to secure the Muslims against the perils which had threatened their existence.

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