Wednesday 31 July 2013

Deeds to be performed in the First Ten Days of Dhul-Hajjah

Imam Ahmad narrated from Ibn Umar, from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that he said: "There aren't any days greater, nor any days in which deeds done in them are more beloved to Allah Most High, than these ten days (of Dhul-Hijjah). So, increase in them the saying of Tahleel (Laa-ilaaha-ill-Allah), and Takbeer (Allahu-Akbar) and Tahmeed (al-hamdu-lillaah)." 
The deeds that should be performed in the first ten days of Dhul-Hajjah are:
Hajj and Umra: The performance of hajj and umrah are the best deeds that must be performed during these days because the Prophet Muhammad (saw) informs about these deeds as:
"Performance of Umrah is an expiation of the sins committed between it and the previous Umrah, and the reward of the Hajj which is accepted by Allah Most High is nothing but Paradise." (Bukhari)
Fasting:  Fasting in the ten days and especially on the day of Arafah is of great significance. Fasting is done for the sake of Allah and He alone would give his reward. Muslim narrated from Abu Qutaadah that the Prophet (PBUH) said: "Fasting the Day of Arafah will be credited with Allah by forgiving one's sins of the previous year and the following year." 
At-Takbeer and Adh-Dhikr: The starting hadith outlines the importance of increasing the zikr in these days. At-Takbeer (saying: Allah-Akbar) and adh-Dhikr (remembrance of Allah, the Most High) in these (ten) days, because of the saying of Allah in Soorah al-Hajj verse 28: "...And mention the name of Allah on the appointed Days..." 
Repentance: Repenting for the sins committed in the past and asking for forgiveness from Allah.
Deeds: Doing a lot of voluntary (Nafl) worship such as prayer, charity, jihad, reciting Quran, staying away from evil etc, and the reward of these deeds id multiplied several times their reward during these days of dhuul-hajj.
Sacrifice: The slaughtering of a sacrificial animal (Adhiyyah) is also legislated for the Day of Sacrifice (10th) and the Days of Tashreeq (11th, 12th and 13th). This is the Sunnah of our father Ibrahim (May Allah be pleased with him) - from when Allah, the Most High redeemed his son by the great sacrifice (of an animal in his place).

Eid: Performing the eid prayer and celebrating eid.

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