Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Health Benefits of Sajdah: - Science behind Sajdah

The building of Islam is standing on five pillars. Among these five pillars Salat is an important pillar. By offering Salat we stands we stand, sit and bend in different and unique position. We all know that there are many spiritual benefits of offering Salat. Rest of these spiritual benefits there are a lot of physical benefits of offering Salat. It is exercise for whole body. Sajdah is often a unique position or stance within the regular prayers, which a Muslim is meant to offer at least five times a day. Although the fundamental purpose regarding obligatory prayers seriously isn't to provide an exercise for individuals yet it's being progressively recognized so it has a lot of medical advantages for our bodies. It is reported by Abu Hurrairah (RA) that Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) said that:-
"The nearest a servant comes to his Lord is when he is prostrating himself, so make supplication.”
At another place it is narrated by Hazrat Aisha (RA) that:-
“The Prophet (PBUH) used to prolong the prostration to such an extent that one could recite fifty verses (of the Qur’an) before he would lift his head.”

At another place it is narrated by Hazrat Ibn E Abbas (RA) that:-
“The Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) advised Muslims to perform Ruku (bowing) and Sajdah properly.”

·        Effect of sajdah on muscles
When a person goes toward the position of Sajdah his liver is within an active action. In this kind of position, the one who offers prayer rests his forehead on the ground while his or her hands are placed at the actual sides. This brings most of the body muscle tissue, if only a few, in lively motion and provides them a few exercises.
The arms are then extended in a fashion such which the forearm and also arm muscle tissue bear the actual weight inside Sajdah placement. This is usually good exercise for that muscle of the upper arms or legs. Beloved Prophet (PBUH), in a hadith advised people to not put the actual forearms flatly on the ground but to maintain them increased above the floor. From the actual physical standpoint, this is way better for the actual forearm as well as arm muscle tissue.

·        Circulation of Blood
Sajdah is really a unique situation as this is actually the only position during which brain (or head) becomes below the coronary heart, and hence the blood vessels gushes towards brain along with full power, whereas in all other opportunities (even any time lying down) mental performance is above the guts when it's to work against gravity to deliver blood towards the brain.
Inside position associated with Sajdah, as a result of increased blood vessels supply, mental performance receives a lot more nourishment, which has a good impact upon ram, vision, hearing, concentration, psyche and all cognitive skills. People that offer their particular prayers regularly may have stronger willpower which enables it to cope with all the difficulties associated with life in greater ways. There're less at risk of headaches, psychological problems and also other disorders with the cognitive functions.

·         Effect of sajdah on back muscles
The unique position involving Sajdah boasts positive effects upon the back muscles because while doing Sajdah and standing up from it the back muscle commitment actively and they become tougher. Probably, for the reason a person who's going to be regular throughout prayers doing often gets some sort of backache.

·        Effect of sajdah on neck muscles
From the unique position of Sajdah the particular neck muscles have the best exercise. They must bear the load when the particular forehead touches the ground; hence, the particular neck muscle groups become more powerful. One can certainly note the particular tense pressure in the neck muscles in the position associated with Sajdah, specially the particular active motion in the neck and also the facial muscles if your head is usually lifted. It really is uncommon that the person whom offers their prayers regularly can get common throat ailments because the neck muscles especially become very good as a result of 34 Sajdahs supplied daily throughout five prayers.

There are a variety of health care advantages related to prayer however we should understand that prayer is not meant to be an exercise. May Allah give us the power to offer the prayer regularly Ameen!

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Be Sincere With Allah Almighty

As a human being we all know that sincerity is very much important to live in this world. Every relation demands sincerity. As a Muslim the very important relationship is the relationship of Allah and the human. We should always try to build a strong relationship with our lord and it is not possible without sincerity. Here are some tips which can help you to be sincere with Allah Almighty.

·         Make Sincere Dua
Guidance is in the hands of Allah. Whomsoever Allah guides won't ever go down the wrong path. The bears of believers come in hands associated with Allah. This individual controls this fully. Why circuitously ask normally the one who regulates your heart for making you sincere in all of your actions? It is said by Umar IBN E Khatab (RA) that:-
Oh Allah! Make all of my actions for your sake only!

·         Follow The Righteous People
Do not follow those people who are wrong and not sit with those people because they will leave the wrong effect on your brain. Follow pious people. Read the biographies of those people who were the companion of Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH). The stories of those righteous people inspire and man becomes sincere to Allah Almighty. In Quran E Pak it is said that:-
“And those are the people whom Allah guided so by their guidance do you follow.”

·         Be Careful In Actions That You Do In Private
Actions which might be done privately will be truthful. With men and women around, it's very difficult to be sincere. The thinking servant involving Allah will most likely always try to cover his good deeds as well as sins through the eyes and ears of folks. It is said by Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) that:-
“Allah will shade seven types of people on the Day of Judgment-the day where there is no shade but Allah’s shade..." The hadeeth continues where it mentions: "…And the person who gives charity and kept it so secretly to the extent that his left hand does not know the right hand gave. And the person that remembers Allah privately until his eyes filled with tears.”

·         Ignore That What People Are Saying
Do not ashamed when you are following the way of Islam and wearing Islamic dress. We think that what people are saying about us. Ignore that talk of people. They will whisper when you are right and they will whisper when you are wrong.  Don’t pay attention on peoples talk and make your actions sincere which will help you to make the strong relationship with your Lord.

  Let’s pray to Allah Almighty that makes us able to be sincere in our actions and accept our actions. (Amen)!

Friday, 6 March 2015

Friday - A Special Day of the Week

For Muslims Friday is not only a day but it’s a very special day. It is a holy day and it’s like a weekly Eid for Muslims. Muslims gathers in every mosque around the world for offering

“O those who have believed! When the call to Prayer is proclaimed on Friday, hasten to the remembrance of Allah and leave off trade. That is better for you if you but knew. Then, when the Prayer is over, spread out in the land and seek Allah’s bounty. And remembers Allah much, haply you will prosper.”

As opposed to the Judaism Sabbath, for instance, Friday is a holy day time but Muslims however continue their act as this verse illustrates. This prayer is the place of the midday prayer (the second on the five everyday prayers) and features a khutbah, or a sermon. The khutbah is actually given in a language which is known by many people. Muslim men are required to attend the jummah prayer. Within many Muslim countries, Friday is off day.
We should perform certain special acts on Friday such as taking a bath, wearing neat clothes, saying many supplications to Allah Almighty and reciting chapter 18 of Quran E Hakeem. It is said by Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) that:-
“Whoever reads Surah Al-Kahf on the night of Friday, will have a light that will stretch between him and the ancient House (Kaaba).”

At another place it is said by Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) that:-
“There is no day more virtuous than Friday.  In it there is an hour in which no one will pray to God except that God will hear his prayer”.

Every Muslim should perform Jumma’s prayer otherwise it is a serious sin. It is said by Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) that:-
“Those who are not attending the Friday Salah should change their ways; otherwise, Allah, the Exalted, will seal their hearts and they will be reckoned the heedless.”

 At another place it is said that:-
“Whoever misses three Friday prayers in a row out of negligence will have a seal put over his heart by Allah.”

 May Allah give us the power to perform our religious duty with honesty! O lord give us the power to do the righteous deeds (Amen)!