Thursday, 27 June 2013

Celebrating Birthdays in Islam

Allah says in the Holy Quran: “There is indeed the best example for you to follow in the Messenger of Allah (Mohamed saws), for every such person who looks forward to Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah much.”  (33:31)
The verse means that if a person believes in Allah and Last Day should try to follow the steps of messenger Muhammad (PBUH) for he is the best example to mankind. A person should do everything that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did and stay away from things that he didn’t do and forbade there doing.  Therefore its mandatory to ask ourselves before doing anything whether Prophet approve do this action or not? In Islam birthdays have never been an event to be celebrated or rejoiced at. Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha are the only two festivals or events that have been celebrated and asked to celebrate. All others are innovations for which there is no basis in Islam. Conceptually birthdays are not something to be celebrated or happy about. At every birthday one year of the life decreases then what intelligence entails to celebrate them?  As mentioned above a believer should act according to the teachings of Prophet and moreover imitation of the unbelievers (Kuffar) is something that Islam strictly disapproves of. In a Hadith recorded by Imam Abu Dawud (Allah have Mercy on him) and others, The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “Whosoever imitates a nation is amongst them.” (Sunan Abu Dawud,) The word ‘Imitating’ mentioned here can be explained in two ways
a) One does something with the intention of imitating the Kuffar, meaning one does so because one wants to be like a particular non-believer or non-believers.
b) Doing something that is unique and exclusive to the non-believers or it is part of their faith. This will also be considered imitation, thus Haram (unlawful).
The above explanation birthday indicates that celebrating birthdays is a kind of bid’ah or innovation in religion, which has no basis in the pure sharee’ah and is like intimating of Jews and Christians.. It is not permitted to accept invitations to birthday celebrations, because this involves supporting and encouraging bid’ah. Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):“Or have they partners with Allah (false gods) who have instituted for them a religion which Allah has not allowed…?” [Al-Shoora 42:21]

The Prophet (PBUH) said, warning us against following their ways and traditions: “You would follow the ways of those who came before you step by step, to such an extent that if they were to enter a lizard’s hole, you would enter it too.” They said, “O Messenger of Allah, (do you mean) the Jews and Christians?” He said, “Who else?” (Reported by al-Bukhaari and Muslim). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said: “Whoever imitates a people is one of them. Thus birthdays should not be celebrated because Islam does not allow nor it is the way of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Inheritance in Islam

Islam is not just a religion but a complete conduct of life in which inheritance is an integral part. Islamic shariah has set definite policy of inheritance that is based on the relationship of the people who inherit to the person who died. Allah dictates the rules of inheritance in the Quran in the Chapter An-Nisa (Women) (4:11, 4:12 and 4:176). Islamic scholars have derived several essential instructions from this verse, the most important being:
Share of the Parents
Father and Mother: If a person leaves behind parents then both the father and the mother take one-sixth equal share of inheritance. There is no distinction here that father should receive double the share.                                            Or                                                                                                                                                                                      If the person dies with no children, no brother and no sister; the mother receives one-third of the inheritance. The share of the father is not mentioned under these circumstances in the Quran.

Share of the Children
One daughter: If the deceased person has left behind one daughter only then she will receive one-half of the inheritance. If there is no daughter, the granddaughter can fill-in.                                                                           Or
More than one daughter: If a person has two or more daughters, then all the daughters will inherit two-third of the share.  In all other circumstances, the male will receive a portion equal to that of two females. 
Share of the Spouses
In case the wife dies:  The husband's share is one-half of the property of the deceased wife if she has no children, but in case of children it is one-fourth.
In case the husband dies:  The wife is entitled to one-fourth if the husband dies childless; otherwise it is one-eighth.
Share of the Siblings
In case of no parents and children:
If a person dies and leaves behind no parents and children but one maternal brother or one maternal sister; each one receives one-sixth of the legacy equally.
In case of no parents and children: If the person leaves behind no parents and children but two or more maternal brothers and maternal sisters (or combination); they all share one-third of the legacy equally.
In case of one sister: If the person leaves behind no parents and children as heirs except one paternal sister, she receives one-half the inheritance.
In case of one brother: If the person leaves behind no parents and children as heirs but one paternal brother; he receives the full inheritance.

In case of more than one sister: If a person dies and leaves behind no parents & children but two or more paternal sisters; they all inherit two-third of the share equally.
In case of more than one brother: If the person leaves behind no parents and children but two or more paternal brothers and paternal sisters (or combination); the male will receive a portion equal to that of two females.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

The Punishment of not Praying in Islam

Every Muslim is obliged to pray (salah, namaz) five times a day. The rewards of praying are numerous and beautiful yet we Muslims forget to offer salah because we are so busy in dealing with our worldly matters. The terrible punishments that are defined in Quran for not praying namaz are given below:
 "What led you into Hell-Fire? They will say; 'We were not of those who prayed;' (74:42-43)"
"So woe to the worshippers who are neglectful of their Prayers, those who (want but) to be seen (of men). (107:4-6)"
"Enjoin prayer on thy people, and be constant therein. We ask thee not to provide sustenance: We provide it for thee. But the (fruit of) the Hereafter is for Righteousness. (20:132)"
"The hypocrites--they think they are over-reaching Allah but He will over-reach them: When they stand up to Prayer, they stand without earnestness, to be seen of men, but little do they hold Allah in remembrance. (4:142)"
"Their eyes will be cast down--ignominy will cover them; seeing that they had been summoned aforetime to bow in adoration, while they were whole (and had refused). (68:43)"
"So he gave nothing in charity, nor did he pray! (75:31)"
"And when it is said to them, 'Prostrate yourselves!' they do not so.  Ah woe, that Day, to the rejecters of Truth! (77:48-49)"
Steps to perform regular Prayer
·         Make Tawbah whole heartedly and ask Allah to forgive you for the salah you have missed.
·         Set up an alarm clock or ask your family members, friends etc whoever you live with to wake you up in the morning for fajr prayer. Ask them to do everything in their power to do to wake you up. If u successfully pray the first prayer the other four prayers will eventually be followed.
·         Perform salah regularly for forty days and will become your habit.
·         Always be in wudhu
·         Remind yourself regularly of the punishments and rewards of the namaz.
·         Read Quran after every Salah.

·         Thank Allah for every blessing he has bestowed on you. 

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

The Four Quls

There are four Quls in Quran i.e. Kaafiroon, Ikhlaas, Falaq and Naas. These are known as protecting powerful surahs. Surah Kaafiroon and Ikhlaas protects from shirk. Surah Ikhlaas is pure Tawheed and equal to 1/3rd of the Quran. Surahs falaq and naas protect from mischief of created things, envy, magic and the whisperings of the shaitaan. All the surahs start with the word ‘Qul’ which actually means ‘say’. Hence the four surahs are collectively called as ‘the four quls’. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would get revelations from Allah which would start with the word ‘say’ and he would exactly repeat the revelations to people. The four Quls start as:
Naas the first verse translates into:
[114.1] Say, 'I take refuge with the Lord of people,’
In Falaq:
[113.1] Say, 'I take refuge with the Lord of Daybreak’
In Ikhlaas:
[112.1] Say, 'He is Allah, the One,’
In Kaafiroon:
[109.1] Say, 'O unbelievers,’
The excellence of Surat-ul- Kaafiroon
Al Kaafiroon is equivalent to one fourth of Quran. Whoso ever recites surah al Ikhlaas and this surah before going to sleep, Allah would never let polytheism touch him. Furthermore if someone recites surah Kaafiroon and Ikhlaas in the obligatory  salats Allah would forgive his, his parents’ and his children’s sins, and if his name would be written in the register of virtuous and fortunate people, and on the day of judgment he would be raised with the martyrs. This surah along with Ikhlaas must be recited in the fajr prayer.

The excellence of Surat-ul- Ikhlaas
Al Kaafiroon is equivalent to one third of Quran. Whosoever recites surah al Ikhlaas before daybreak; also surah al Qadr and Ayat ul Kursi all fears would disappear, and the reciter would not do any wrong the whole day however much Iblis might try. It is also mentioned in one hadith that a sahabi always used to recite Surat-ul-Ikhlaas together with other Surahs in every rak'ah he used to perform. On being asked the reason, he replied that he loved this Surah very much. Upon this Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said "The love for this Surah will admit you into Jannah."
The excellence of Surat-ul -Falaq
Whoso recites, even from early age, every night 3 times surah al Falaq, 3 times surah al Naas, and 100 or 50 times surah al Ikhlaas, Allah would keep him safe from every evil-eye, all ailments that afflict children, all stomach ailments, low and high blood pressure; and so long as he keeps reciting like this he would remain safe from diseases till he dies. According to the Imams of Ahl ul Bayt it is better to recite surah al Falaq and surah al Ikhlaas in the rak-at of witr, in tahajjud.

The excellence of Surat-un- Naas
Whoso recites this surah on any pain-giving part of the body, the pain would disappear.
Whoso recites this surah before going to sleep he remains in the protection of Allah till morning; and there is protection and freedom from grief, sorrow, and pain for the reciter of this surah; and if it is recited in a house, it would remain free form jinn and evil spirits; and if written text of this surah is put around the neck of children as tawiz, they would remain safe from jinn.
It is mentioned in the Hadith that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said to a sahaba Uqbah bin Aamir (RA) : "Should I not teach you two Surahs which are beautiful in recitation?" Then he taught him the above two Surahs. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) then advised him to continue reciting them for he would never read any Surahs that are parallel (in beauty and excellence) to these two.

According to another Hadith, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:"Haven't you seen the (beautiful and strange) verses which were revealed during the night? You will not find their like at all. They are Qul A'oozu birabbil falaq and Qul A'oozu birabbin naas."

Monday, 24 June 2013

The Benefits of Ayatul Kursi

Quran embraces in itself immense blessings and benefits. There are certain surahs and ayats in Quran that are of great importance. One of them is Ayatul Kursi which is ayat#255 of Surat Al-Bakara. The reason that Ayatul Kursi is most vital is that it cites the greatness of Allah more than any other ayat does. Ayat Kursi mentions six attributes of Allah that are: the Divine Oneness of Allah Most High, His Life His Knowledge, His Kingdom, His Divine Power, and His Will. Thus it contains the most remembrance of Allah. It is one of the four parts of Quran that are attached to arsh (Allah's Throne) [others being Surat-ul-Fathiha, Ayat no: 18, 19 & 26, 27 of Al-Imran]. There is great benefit on reciting Ayatul Kursi after every obligatory prayer, before sleeping etc, and it protects us from Satan. The following are a few hadith that convey its importance:

UBAYY Bin Ka’b (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: Abu Mundhir! Do you know which ayat in Allah’s Book is the greatest? I said: ‘Allah and His Messenger know best.’ The Prophet (PBUH) again said: ‘Do you know which ayat in Allah’s book, according to you, is the greatest?’ I (Abu Mundhir) replied: ‘It is ‘Allah la ilaha illa Huwal-Hayyul-Qayyum...’’ [2:255] thereupon, the Prophet (PBUH) patted me on the chest and said, ‘Rejoice by your knowledge, O Abu Mundhir!’ (i.e., may this knowledge be a source of respect, honor and benefit to you).” [Sahih Muslim]

It was narrated that Abu Umaamah said: “The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:“Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi immediately after each prescribed prayer, there will be nothing standing between him and his entering Paradise except death.” 
Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates this (above) Hadith from Rasulallaah (SAW), with the addition that "Whosoever recites it in a house wherein Satan is, he (Satan) will leave."

Abu Hurayrah (Allah be well pleased with him) reports that the Prophet (PBUH) said that Ayatul Kursi is the chief of all verses of the Quran. Anas reports that the Prophet  (PBUH) said that Ayatul Kursi is equal to a quarter of the Quran. Abu Amamah narrates that the Prophet (PBUH) said that whomsoever recites Ayat al-Kursi in the night before sleeping, Allah Most High will protect him, his house and the neighboring houses.

According to the Hadith the following are the times when Ayatul Kursi should be recited:
1. After every fard Salaat. (Only thing that will keep us waiting from entering Paradise will be death)
2. Just before sleep. Allah will send Angels to guard us while we are asleep.
3. While leaving the house to go somewhere.
4. When we are in desperate situations.
5. Reciting it on our possessions will bring blessing to it.
6. It will protect our house and children from Satan.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Eating and Drinking Etiquettes of Prophet Muhammad

Food and drinks are boons of Allah and are bestowed on humans for maintaining good life and health. That’s why Islam has prescribed comprehensive eating and dietary habits.. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was the emblem of perfection and his paradigms are to be followed in everyday life. He (PBUH) had developed and practiced remarkable healthy habits. The set of dietary laws which are outlined in the Sunnah are as follows.
1)      Firstly eat everything except that has been declared haram by Allah.
2)      Say Bismillah and du’a of supplication before eating.
3)      Don’t overeat and waste food. It is strongly condemned to do so. Maintain a balanced diet. Hazrat Muhammad said,
"Eat less you will be healthier."
"Nothing is worse than a person who fills his stomach. It should be enough for the son of Adam to have a few bites to satisfy his hunger. If he wishes more, it should be: one-third for his food, one-third for his liquids, and one-third for his breath." (Tarmazi, ibn Majah and Hakim)

4)      The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) never ate reclining. While taking meals it is desirable to sit in a manner that the knees are upwards and the bottom of the feet touches the ground or in a manner that only right knee is kept upward and the left knee touches the ground making a sitting posture. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) as a gesture of courtesy used to keep the inner side of his left foot over the back of the right foot.

5)      Never criticize the food nor find fault in it. If you don’t like it, don’t eat it.

6)      Share and suppress greed especially while eating. The sharing of food is emphasized by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). “He is not a believer who eats to his fill but his neighbor goes without food.”[Sahih Bukhari]

7)      Eat slowly as it digests the food easily

8)      The benefits of enjoying meals together applies whether it's a family sitting down together, a husband and wife dining out, or a young couple getting to know one another. The Prophet (pbuh) emphasized the importance of this when he said, "Eat together and not separately, for the blessing is associated with the company." (Ibn Majah)

9)      The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that one should eat and drink with his right hand for Satan eats and drinks with the left hand. [Khasa'il-e-Nabawi]

10)  If piece of food falls down then pick it up, clean and eat it. Don’t leave it for the satan.

11)  Never drink water after meals. It’s strongly prohibited neither is it the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (PBUH). Similarly He used to drink water while sitting. In authentic traditions, it occurs that he has forbidden drinking water standing and has even forbidden drinking with one hand.

Allah says in the Quran “Certainly there is for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent example.” [Holy Quran 33-21]. Therefore one should follow the habits and etiquettes of Prophet Muhammad in everyday life.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Islam and Judaism

Although Islam regards Jews and Christians as children of Abraham and refers to them as "People of the Book", one needs to understand the basic point of difference between Islam and Judaism. Judaism is understood to be both a deviation away from the essential teachings of Islam which were taught by all the prophets and something which is reformed, abrogated and replaced by Islam, as taught by the last prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This article gives a brief guide of the similarities and differences of Islam and Judaism.
Only one God- Allah
One God (known in English as 'Yahweh' or 'Jehovah')
Place of Origin
Makah, Saudi Arabia
In Islam Hazrat Esa (A.S) was human prophet of Allah. He was virgin born but not a son of God.
An ordinary Jew, neither the Messiah nor a divine person.
Abrahamic lineage
There is only one God and that is Allah.
One God
Hazrat Esa never died on the crucifier rather he was hidden by Allah and would appear again.
Jesus was crucified for claiming to be prophet and died on the cross.
Holy Book
Usury (interest)
This forbids Jews from lending money to one another with usury but allowed them to lend to non-Jews (Goyim) based on interest. 
Sin is a disobedience to Allah. He does not like sins but He forgives them because He’s the most merciful.
Judaism rejects the doctrine of original sin. Atonement for sins committed is made through seeking forgiveness from God in prayer and repentance. In addition, the day of atonement (Yom Kippur) is set aside specially for this purpose.
Like the humans angels are the creation of Allah and would eventually suffer death. They are made of light and execute Allah’s orders.
Angels are defined in the Torah as heavenly servants of God who act as His messengers.
Place of Worship
Mosque or any place which is clean.
Synagogues, Western Wall
Life after death
Sinners go to hell and pious go to heaven
Different beliefs and opinions

The above table highlights only a few differences and similarities. There are many more and can be thoroughly looked up in any book or website.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Islam and Christianity

After Christianity Islam is the second largest growing religion in the world. Islam holds many beliefs and practices in common with Christianity. Islam considers Christians as the People of the book. Islamic doctrines comprise of testimony, prayers, alms giving  fasting, and pilgrimage all of which have parallels in Christianity. However, there are certain core tenets that differ completely between Islam and Christianity. These tenets are trinity, the divine Christianity,   the atonement of Christ, the grace of God, and the nature of the afterlife. This article gives a brief guide of the similarities and differences of Islam and Christianity.
Only one God- Allah
Christians believe in the Trinity, meaning that God has 3 forms (Father, Son, Holy Ghost/ Spirit)
Place of Origin
Makah, Saudi Arabia
In Islam Hazrat Esa (A.S) was human prophet of Allah. He was virgin born but not a son of God.
Jesus is the son of God and is a virgin born. He is a savior of humanity and Gods word.
Hazrat Esa never died on the cross rather he was hidden by Allah and would appear again.
Christians insist Jesus was crucified and died on the cross.
There is only one God and that is Allah.
Most believe in the Trinity; three persons in one Godhead: Father, Son and Holy Spirit although there is room for alternate interpretations.
Holy Book
Sin is a disobedience to Allah. He does not like sins but He forgives them because He’s the most merciful.
Humans are born as sinners, bearing the burden of the sin of Adam and Eve. Sin is rebellion against God and grieves him.
Like the humans angels are the creation of Allah and would eventually suffer death. They are made of light and execute Allah’s orders.
Angels are defined in the Bible as heavenly servants of God who act as His messengers.
Place of Worship
Mosque or any place which is clean.
Church, chapel, cathedral, basilica
Life after death
Sinners go to hell and pious go to heaven
Man is appointed to die once, and after that face judgment. Those that are redeemed live on in heaven, while those that rejected God suffer eternity in hell.

The above table highlights only a few differences and similarities. There are many more and can be thoroughly looked up in any book or website.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

The Muslim Concept of Angels

The six articles of faith in Islam are belief in One God, holy books, prophets, angels, destiny and life hereafter. In Islam the concept of angels is entirely different from what the world beliefs in. In common folklore or fairytales angels are thought of as good forces of nature, hologram images, or illusions. Western society depicts angels as fat cute little babies with arrows and blonde locks or handsome men and women with halo surrounding their heads, having two wings and white in color. But angels in Islam hold a very high and sacred place; they are real created beings of God and would surely suffer death like the humans. They are created to worship and submit to the commands of Allah. Unlike humans they don’t have free will or desires. In Islam all angels are good; there are no ‘fallen angels’ i.e. evil. Satan was a jinn and not an angel, therefore it often gets mixed with an angel. From the Qur'an we know that human beings are made from clay and the Jinn’s are made of smokeless fire. The angels have no gender (neither male nor female) and were created from light before human beings were created, and thus their graphic or symbolic representation in Islamic art is rare. 
Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: “I will create a vicegerent on earth.” They said: “Wilt Thou place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood, whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy (name)?” He said: “I know what ye know not.” [Qur'an 2:30]
Angels do not sin nor do they get tired of worshipping Allah the Great.
“They celebrate His praises night and day, nor do they ever slacken.” (Quran 21:20)
There are countless number of angels varying in size, status and merit. The greatest of all the angels in Islam is Gabriel. Holy Prophet actually saw him in his actual appearance when he used to bring revelations to him. Some other angels that are mentioned in Quran are Mika’eel, Israfeel, Malik etc. One of the many attributes of angels is that they possess great power and take human forms.

“…Then We sent to her Our angel, and he appeared before her as a man in all respects.” (Quran 19:17)
They visited Abraham in human form.  Similarly, angels came to Lot to deliver him from danger in the form of handsome, young men.  Gabriel used to visit Prophet Muhammad in different forms.  Sometimes, he would appear in the form of one of his handsome disciples, and sometimes in the form of a desert Bedouin. Angels are assigned different tasks. Here are a few of them that have been mentioned in Quran and Sunnah.
·         Executing God’s law in the physical world. 
·         Michael is responsible for rain, winds and clouds directing it wherever God wishes. 
·         Blowing the Horn which will be blown by Israafeel at the onset of the Day of Judgment. 
·         Angel of Death responsible for taking souls from the dying
·         Protecting the believers
·         Two angels, Munkar and Nakeer, are responsible for testing people in the grave.

As we learn from above, the angels are a modest creation of Allah; varying in numbers, roles, and abilities. God is in no need of these creatures, but having knowledge and belief in them adds to faith in the unseen world created by Allah and is thus a required element of faith in Islam. 

Monday, 3 June 2013

Paradise in Islam

One thing certain about life is death.  The question that often troubles the minds of humans is what lies beyond death? Often this question goes unanswered when trying to reason it with science but Islam has plainly elucidated the concept of life after death. In this regard, the concept of a hereafter - a life beyond death, resurrection, and a Day of Reckoning come under the subject of belief in the unseen.  The only way in which man can come to know anything of the unseen world is through divine revelation. Islam is a divine religion. It’s a complete code of conduct and a perfect way of life. Muslims believe that by living a good pious life in the world, they will be admitted to heavens after death and if they lead a sinful life they will burn in the hell fire forever. The concept of paradise cannot be fully grasped by a human mind. The human is subjected to believe in what it sees and hears. Only through complete faith in Allah and his revelation Quran, Muslim mind can perceive and realize the vast notion of Paradise. Allah has placed in Quran several descriptions of paradise. This article gives brief description about Paradise in Islam. The bounties and beauty of Heaven are immense. The Quran gives wonderful descriptions of what Allah has in store for His righteous servants, those who obey and worship Him only. He explains to them that they will have anything in paradise that they desire and more.
In heaven there will be everything a person can desire and delight in. There will be never ending supply of many kinds of foods and drinks.
"Eat and drink at ease for that which you have sent forth (good deeds) in days past!"
[Quran 69:24]

Wealth and Riches
No one will be poor in heaven. There will be an abundance of wealth and beauty in Paradise.
"... They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold, and they will wear green garments of fine silk and heavy brocade. They will recline therein on raised thrones. How good [is] the recompense! How beautiful a couch [is there] to recline on!" [Quran 18:31]

Sickness and Death
Holy Prophet (PBUH) also specifies that a person will no longer have needs, sadness, hatred or any other ill feelings in their hearts. Death does not exist in heaven.
"Indeed may you be healthy and never be sick again, may you live and never die again, may you be young and never grow feeble again, may you enjoy, and never feel sorrow and regret again." [Saheeh Muslim]

Happiness and Peace
The people of Paradise will never have to hear fowl language or hateful speech again. They will dwell amongst peaceful and good people and they will only hear good words of peace.
"They will not hear therein ill speech or commission of sin. But only the saying of: Peace! Peace!" [Quran 56:25-26]

This is just an overview of the bounties of heaven.  What actually lies there is difficult to comprehend.  The eternal home of the believer is Paradise. A Muslim should work hard to obtain it by doing good deeds, worship no one but Allah and live according to Islamic teachings in this world.